真实板球2014 Real Cricket 14:因为不懂游戏规则,就简单的从画面流畅度来说,还是达到了标准。
真实板球2014 Real Cricket 14是一款体育运动游戏。板球,又名木球,一向给人称颂为“绅士的游戏”,是一项崇尚体育精神和“公平比赛”的运动。在这款游戏中,你可以用最简单直观的操纵方式来享受这项运动。游戏提供了多种多样的比赛模式,例如展览赛,大师杯以及世界杯淘汰赛等等。
1. Free Tournament - The Associates Cup.
2. Play with and against your favourite Premier League teams!
3. Enjoy recent news and updates through Push Notification!
4. Earn coins in the matches and use them to unlock items and modes in the shop!
5. Share match results on Facebook.
6. Invite your friends to join the Real Cricket experience.
7. Build size reduced.
8. Team Color change issue after interrupt - bug fixed.
9. Faster Loading.
10. Greater Stability.
11. Other bug fixes.