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Dinosaur Attack Simulator精简版

Dinosaur Attack Simulator精简版








  • 游戏介绍
  • 游戏截图

Dinosaur Attack Simulator opens you up to the world of being the vicious beast. In this game you play as a hunter who is out to kill the dinos. Your aim is to cause run, search and also hunt the dinos. In your mission you gain points and experience, the faster you get them the higher bonus you receive. You will be given a mission at the start of the game, make sure to complete the missions before you run out of time or you will lose the level.

The environments have prey hiding in all the corners. In your mission you gain points and experience, the faster you get them the higher bonus you receive. In the dinosaur attacking mode, you can attack freely on animals and complete the given quest. Enjoy dinosaur-battle using electronic waves, fire and other.

Bored of the same guns? Do not worry, Dinosaur Attack Simulator has more than 15 intricately designed realistic guns to upgrade and play. Explore various high definition environments like City, Desert, Forest and many more. This game is ultimate, chaotic way! Fight your way to the top of the food chain in a realistic 3D environment. Special achievements for you to accomplish.


Dinosaur Attack Simulator精简版
Dinosaur Attack Simulator精简版
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